I (PurpleCourgette) and my other half Dirtyrat27 have recently completed cache R e f l e c t i o n s GC2PPNP which due to its unique posistion gives it an lowest elevation of -1843. But in our statistic checkers it's highlighted as achieved, yet it does not show this in the badges or profile stats.
Dirtyrat27 is a non paying member and therefore his stats may not be fully updated yet, but my account is a premium member and has had a few updates since collecting this amazing cache on the 3 April 2015.
I am aware that this should be visible on our stats as one of our fellow friends (happy-hunter-hp20) has it displayed on his account.
Please could this be rectified or is there an explanation for this? The above set of questions does not answer this query.
Yours Kindly