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0 votes
Involves finding one cache in each of California's county seat cities.

Probably onerous because of city boundaries but thought I would ask.
in Miscellaneous by MotorBug (440 points)
That is the problem. But if you can provide polygons for the cities it can be tagged in the polygon checker.
I assume there exist an official definition of the cities or it cant really be done. PGC has county as lowest area of a cache and no existing data can  be used
Thanks for the quick reply!  I have less than a dozen to go and will just compare them in maps to verify.

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
As Target was wrote, give me the polygons and I can do it. You can get the polygons from OSM. The polygons will be complex (many points), so the definitions will be long, but this is not problem. The speed is not problem as I can check every found against the only polygon of respective county, so for someone with 10k founds I should do only 10k tests.

However, as SeekerSupreme wrote, the main problem is, that the boundaries are not constant in time, so someone should periodically update the polygons.
by jpavlik (Expert) (18.5k points)
selected by MotorBug
Thanks everyone for your quick responses.  I see from this answer that it is doable; however, I have completed my analysis for the few remaining cities I need.  I'll leave it to someone else to provide the city polygons if there is interest. Thanks again.
0 votes
If this was written as "within xx miles of the center of each county seat" ir would be a lot easier than writing polygons for every county seat city.  Especially difficult because city boundaries change rather frequently as cities expand.
by SeekerSupreme (5.0k points)