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0 votes
Either case, with and without regions, comes up with an empty list.
in Bug reports by Hedenhöös (220 points)
On regional level it is working. On country level it seems the problem at the moment.
I can not reproduce this, please give an example URL. works for example.
One reason could be that there is 0 FP in the selected area.
It works for Aichi, but not for some others, e.g. Kyoto, Tokyo and Okinawa. There are caches with FP's there (like GC4599D).
For some others it seems to work (Hyogo, Gifu), though FP's are scarce.

2 Answers

+1 vote
Seems to be some issues with multibyte characters. A fix is being released within minutes from now.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
0 votes
Another empty list, here it's top percentage for Germany, just first page is empty, second page is working (it seems that the page doesn't load completely since also JavaScript methods are partially broken [e.g. support button hover/click])
by TCapitano (300 points)