The 360 degree checker is a old special checker that cant be configured by ordinary users like most others. I have to be configure by the admin at pgc and i would guess that only checker for real challenges and not a fake one for users home coordinate.
The problem is relay two problem. Find with degrees you have logged from your home coordinates. and second to find caches with the missing degrees
A checker could be written for the first part but i would require a tag for each home coordinate. That is not a problem the problem is that there is no API function that calculates the bearing to a cache. A function had to be written in LUA to calculate it. Someone have to do it and check that is is correct.
The find missing caches is not possbile with a pgc checker becaus it only know you finds not other cache.
I dont know any way to do both without using a desktop app.
I would suggest to try GSAK
The first part is quite easy
Download and install GSAK. Authenticate on and "update user information" in the meny and your home coordinates will be correct
Import a my finds PQ and the download the macro below and run it
You will get a nice html page with you finds for each degree and missing degrees.
The second part is harder
You have to import potential caches into GSAK. Create PQ:s or use the API get caches. But if it is to many caches you have to split the PQ:S and download only the appropriate are to run out of API download
If you do that you can filter i GSAK by degree but is it looks like 1 significant digit in the bearing so the values might incorrect.
Displaying caches in not trivial bur use the macro below and dual screen in the view menu to dispisplay them. Notice the limit of displayed caches with that macro but it can be changed
So be carefully to check the real bearing. I would use FizzyCalc but there are good website to
It might be easier to use GoogleEarth so you don have to import caches into gsak. There is a "Download Viewer*" link on you profile page and it will show caches in google earth. But max 500 and if there is more the selection is random so you must zoom down to se all caches. The coordinates of the caches are for some reason somewhat randomized and the will jump around abit when you zoom so check for the real coordinates and calculate the true bearing
Draw lines with the missing degree lined from you home with the measurement tool with a line from your home, the degrees of the line are shown. Or project coordinates with appropriate bearing and distance in som program and use the to create the lines.
And you can quite easy see where a appropriate cache is.
But remember that they jump around and you should check the real value near the border. zooming out and in will make the jump
Other cache manager also exit but i have not use them and dont know if they they have the approrpiate functions.