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+3 votes

I would like to see checkers for every challenge in the Challenge Bikeway trail in California, USA. The challenges can easily be found on the challenge map.

I have looked through many of them, and they all seem to be very easy to write checkers for. It would be enjoyable to see a whole challenge trail covered with checkers. Might be the first?

And since I am the owner of Project-GC, I will even add two rewards on this task. When every challenge in the trail has a checker, excluding those where it's technically not possible, I will send 1 year of membership to Project-GC to these persons:

  • The one who created the most tags for the trail.
  • The one who created the last tag for the trail.

(it can be the same person, and he/she will then receive 2*1 year)

Answer in this thread when you want to claim your rewards!

PS! It's appreciated if you also post an answer for every checker you have created, so that I/we can feel the progress.


These are not included in the contest, since we see them as technically impossible.

  • Challenge Bikeway: Top 20 Favorites
  • Challenge Bikeway: 100 Trackables Logged Challenge
  • Challenge Bikeway: The Blue Ribbon Challenge
  • Challenge Bikeway: Geo-Art Challeng

These are the only 3 missing now, and they should be possible: GC4FF33, GC5E2QP, GC44TT7

COMPLETED, rewards on their way

in Miscellaneous by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
edited by magma1447 (Admin)
12 of 25 tagged
Most of the untagged one have a popular requirement but demand a number of different types and the existing scripts cant check for that. At least the scripts I have looked at

Impossible today
Challenge Bikeway: Top 20 Favorites   Not possible with current API
Challenge Bikeway: 100 Trackables Logged Challenge   Not possible with current API
Challenge Bikeway: The Blue Ribbon Challenge   Not possible with current API
Challenge Bikeway: The Year Challenge no way to autodetect if the numer in the name i a year: checking for 4 numbers with non numbers on the side are possible

"Possible" but need a lot of of manual work and updateing
Challenge Bikeway: Geo-Art Challenge No automatic check for Geo-Art can be done without manula make a list of all possible caches

Maby ok and created
Challenge Bikeway: 100+ Challenges Challenge:
All Unknown with the word "CHALLENGE" in the name are considered a challenge. Gives false possitive. A blacklist is possible for bad caches

Unclear definition
Welcome to Challenge Bikeway are the cases on "Welcome to" important?
the taged on check for case but can easy be changed
Just to be clear, as I wrote, "When every challenge in the trail has a checker". Therefore no memberships has been handed out yet. This was with the exception for those where it isn't possible due to different reasons, and I do agree with Target on those 6 he has listed. About 50% of the caches are still missing checkers. :)

I would suggest, that there are 4 missing :-)

Challenge Bikeway: The Year Challenge

"[...] find 15 caches that have a YEAR listed in the title. [...] It has to be in the range of 2000 to 2014 (updated 11/22/14) and cannot be the part of a larger number but can be part of a date. [...]"

I think, "can be part of a date" can be interperted as "standalone number with 4 digits ranging from 2000 to 2014".

I could - heretically - even count +1 for "GC5HZY4 Two thousand words" :-)

my-point-of-view-regex: ^[0-9]20[00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14]^[0-9]

Maybe someone could ask the owner?

Weird, I just replied, but it didn't work.

Anyway. I haven't really read about this one before, I just trusted Target. :)

I would say that it should work fine just as you say, at least with the regexp. Using "Two thousand" might be to push it, I can't find any logs with that either.

I will remove this cache from the exception list.
Maybe the reply didn't work because I moved my "answer" to "comments" ;-)
Ah, most likely why. I got very confused at least.

10 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
And this should have been the last checker/tag for the trail (*hint*)
by hampf (4.3k points)
selected by magma1447 (Admin)
+1 vote
by GentlePurpleRain (1.4k points)
+1 vote
by GentlePurpleRain (1.4k points)
+1 vote
by GentlePurpleRain (1.4k points)
+1 vote
by GentlePurpleRain (1.4k points)
+1 vote
Checker created for Challenge Bikeway: The 4444 Challenge
by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
+1 vote
Checker created for Challenge Bikeway: The Year Challenge
by hampf (4.3k points)
+1 vote
Checker created for Challenge Bikeway: Lone Letters & Numbers
by hampf (4.3k points)
Looks like the script is disabled?
Yes, I worked on it to be more universally usable :-)
Should be enabled now.
"Verify tag" on "Challenge Bikeway: Lone Letters & Numbers" shows "Not ok" for cacher leelelee. leelelee is the owner of the mentioned cache GC51V22 with the lone letter Z and has not logged a find on this one. So the checker is right, phew, slightly sweating now...
+1 vote

Checker created for Challenge Bikeway: Non-Traditional Alpha-Numeric

by hampf (4.3k points)
0 votes
Checker created for Challenge Bikeway: Alpha Counties
by hampf (4.3k points)
The tags are not visible if disables either. Could nice to have a working tag to look at.
The config is the same, but I enabled the tag just for the sake of nicer output for users with not as many finds as a bit more than 10000.
I have set a limit to 30000 finds. This should be enough to get a succesful check. Alamogul runs well, as you can see.

Profile name     Log date     Result     Log entry
CarlottaP    2014-12-12    OK    Link
oaknest    2014-12-12    OK    Link
Team Psychopuppy    2014-11-02    OK    Link
J5 Crew    2014-11-02    OK    Link
bthomas    2014-10-25    OK    Link
camper248    2014-10-12    OK    Link
JoyfulNomad    2014-10-09    OK    Link
BerkeleyBoomers    2014-10-05    OK    Link
Alamogul    2014-10-03    OK    Link

All other top 10 profiles run in less than 10 secs with memory less than 100MB. mado-germany must have a bad cache type distribution among the counties they found caches.
After i fixing a bug where the code did not remove used types and sorting the types array i got the memory usage and speed down to the levels before backtrack was inplimented
The result can be found here. The changes in in the lines 225-240.
Thanks a lot for your improvements.
Now it looks like a really good algorighm for cartesian product challenges. This would have been a long walk without your encouragement and input.