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The Center/radius option in Map Compare doesn't seem to work any longer. This happened a few days ago and it stills shows 0 caches. It used to worked perfectly. Is this an error or am I doing something wrong (logging out and in and re-authenticating doesn't work)?

See for example here:[]=Letterbox+Hybrid&type[]=Multi-cache&type[]=Project+APE+Cache&type[]=Traditional+Cache&type[]=Unknown+Cache&type[]=Wherigo+Cache&submit=Filter#
in Support and help by Diogenes of Sinope (220 points)
Your wright, mine VGPS query was working last week but when I test it at this moment it is not working.
We are aware of this problem already. If you remove the degree signs from the generated coordinates the search will work.
Thanks! That worked indeed. The degree signs show up when I click my home location. I have removed them and now everything is back to normal again.

1 Answer

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As pinkunicorn mentioned, it's due to the degree signs.

A fix has been made, but not yet released.
by magma1447 (Admin) (243k points)
selected by Diogenes of Sinope