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GC84C0 - Top of the Smokies is a virtual cache I visited awhile back. I always had it listed as a Tennessee cache and shows up as such on the geocaching stats map. When I look at my map here, it is listed as North Carolina.
in Bug reports by joshuar9476 (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The cache is probably in  North Carolina.
I a am not mistake pgc uses official USGS border polygons to calculate in which state a cache is. uses whatever the cache owner chooses as country and state.
If you add the USGS TOPO  to the caching map with Geocaching Map Enhancements. I used the top  one from you can the border and the cache, screenshot below.
I guess that the definition of that border is the drainage divide because the border follow the highest ridge.
The border on the OSM map is might be from the same data source the pgc uses and corresponds well with the topo map. Google map also corespons well with topo map

The circle before the start of the walkway to the Clingmans Dome is probibly on the border and the cache is 30 meters to the south.

So the "bug" is in my opinion in the cache description on The cache owner has chosen the wong state.
by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
Interesting. Thank you very much for your insightful answer. I want my NC badge!
If you mean BadgeGen badges is in already include in the count for the gold US state badge the pgc stats

If you mean the souvenir for North Carolina State you don have it. They are created by and uses the state set by the Cache owner. To get that souvenir the state has to be changed in the cache listing. You could ask the owner to change the state of the cache
Sorry, that was said more in sarcasm. I will email the owner to let him know of this discussion. Thanks for all of your input.
I saw the same thing once in Germany where one cache was used-defined to be in Hesse while the actual location was in NRW (the border was more than 200 m away from the cache).