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Is it possible to sort all cache types by year so that I have list year by year with the number of founds for tradis, multis, mysteries and so on?
in Feature requests by MD-Möwe (270 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
I am not sure what you what to know the two interpretation.

Is it all found logs for a group of caches during a year grouped by type.
I don't know a way to extract that automatic but you can get the number of logs during a yeas with the toplogged caches. With a bookmarklist like below you can select a group of caches. By adding type filter and do som manual counting that stat would be possible.

If it is your number of finds grouped by year and type. I was surptiset that there was no way to do that easy. So I created a "Challenge checker" for that
It will display a users found grouped by year and type
by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
selected by MD-Möwe
Nice work, Target. Another small nice statistic to have.. :-)
The created "challenge checker 18377" was exactly what I was looking for.

I am really surprised that this simple statistic output was not included nor in the basic nor in the advanced version.

Thanks a lot to Target for the quick solution!
Excellent source.  I've wanted this data for a while.  Thank you.