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in Support and help by Skoskaw (120 points)
I don't know about any way to do that using standard filter even custom filters so I assume it is not possible.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Not by name but it is it possible with a bookmark list and it is a paying member function

In mapcomapre use the filter "ignore bookmark list" and select the bookmark list with the caches to ignore.

You can add caches add them to a vgps and use the "export to bookmark list" function.
The bookmark list has to be created on And to use a bookmark list on map compare it has to be public. If it is public and not visible on the map compare bookmark list wait a while because the list bookmark list API is cached.

But it would be nice if vgps could be used as a ignore list as the bookmarklists
by Target. (Expert) (104k points)
Thanks! for the answer, i'll try it right away.
And likewise yes, it would be nice if you could achieve the same result on PGC  without having to resort to "another" website.