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Is there a checker for GC4RA3F


in Miscellaneous by Corinna&Andre (120 points)

1 Answer

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I just tagged a checker for this challenge:


In the challenge description it is not described how to handle special characters ( '&' in your case).
by NamelessGuy (3.0k points)
edited by NamelessGuy
Great, I think this is the way the co has set the challenge.

Don't forget to disable the old one otherwise the false negatives keep showing in the challenge map.
I hope so, and if not at least it is an easy change to ignore special characters.

I cant edit the previous tag, ganja or NamelessGuy need to do that.
Yes, your wright.
I removed my tag. Your checker should be used now.
Cool :) I think we got this one sorted finally :).

Now if anyone could do something about the weather, right now it so bad I can't even see across the bay and I havent cached in days :(.