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Message: Possible modification to GC8CQDD/44822 (by arisoft tagged by Pieterix)

Changed By: Brad&Janet
Change Date: September 20, 2019 01:34AM

Possible modification to GC8CQDD/44822 ((by arisoft tagged by Pieterix)
Hi again Pieterix


This challenge requires finding 10 of the top 15 FP caches in any Australian State or Territory. The output is excellent.

However I was running some people through it and I noted that it does not deal with caches hidden by the person running the query. It assumes they have not found those caches.

For example Freddo had found 14 of 15 top favourited caches in South Australia but the 15th is one where he is the CO. So he can not get all 15. This is ok for him but the question arose of what if he had found 9 and he was the CO for the other 6? Or if he decided to set himself the task of finding all 15? Sometimes one CO may own quite a few of the top favourited caches.

I know challenges cannot require someone to hide caches. However would it be possible to modify this so it counted those caches in the top 15 where you had found them or were the CO? Perhaps a different colour for being CO but the different colour is probably not important.

I would be interested in your thoughts.



Original Message

Author: Brad&Janet
Date: September 19, 2019 09:56PM

Possible modification to GC8CQDD/44822 (tagged by Pieterix)
Hi again Pieterix


This challenge requires finding 10 of the top 15 FP caches in any Australian State or Territory. The output is excellent.

However I was running some people through it and I noted that it does not deal with caches hidden by the person running the query. It assumes they have not found those caches.

For example Freddo had found 14 of 15 top favourited caches in South Australia but the 15th is one where he is the CO. So he can not get all 15. This is ok for him but the question arose of what if he had found 9 and he was the CO for the other 6? Or if he decided to set himself the task of finding all 15? Sometimes one CO may own quite a few of the top favourited caches.

I know challenges cannot require someone to hide caches. However would it be possible to modify this so it counted those caches in the top 15 where you had found them or were the CO? Perhaps a different colour for being CO but the different colour is probably not important.

I would be interested in your thoughts.

