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Once a checker request has been fulfilled and the challenge owner (or checker requester) is satisfied the thread should be moved here by a moderator. Please allow some time before moving the thread, to allow feedback from the requester.
Changed By: DrAcorn
Change Date: March 15, 2021 10:10PM
Re: New checker for GC8RPBC
I think its just the way the checker works - it initially finds just qualifying caches, then checks if they are unique. the output doesnt make as much sense unless the cacher qualifies - although they still won’t unless all the caches are unique, so don’t worry about that
Original Message
Author: DrAcorn
Date: March 15, 2021 10:09PM
Re: New checker for GC8RPBC
I think its just the way the checker works - the output doesnt make as much sense unless the cacher qualifies - although they still won’t unless all the caches are unique, so don’t worry about that