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Changed By: Adroit Seeker
Change Date: February 02, 2022 01:29AM
Re: GC9G6FC - A Geocachers Dozen - Challenge
Can we check on the logic being used for the DT. I find it odd that for each month that I do not qualify for a DT that is within 10 left to qualify that I need the same D/T rating for each day.
For example I need on Feb 24 either a D 3.x/anything or a T 3.x/anything which then I would qualify for a T3.x and a D3.x
and for Feb 5,12,13,14,16,17,18,20,22,23 I also only need a D 4.x/anything or a T 4.x/anything which then I would qualify for a T4.x and a D4.x
I would expect to see different days for the D3.x over the T3.x and the same for T4.x over the D4.x
Some months I would qualify for one of he DT but not for both.
Also we can add Adventure Labs to the cache types - people should be able to use these also for a qualification option.
Original Message
Author: Adroit Seeker
Date: January 30, 2022 12:27AM
Re: GC9G6FC - A Geocachers Dozen - Challenge
Can we check on the logic being used for the DT. I find it odd that for each month that I do not qualify for a DT that is within 10 left to qualify that I need the same D/T rating for each day.
For example I need on Feb 24 either a D 3.x/anything or a T 3.x/anything which then I would qualify for a T3.x and a D3.x
and for Feb 5,12,13,14,16,17,18,20,22,23 I also only need a D 4.x/anything or a T 4.x/anything which then I would qualify for a T4.x and a D4.x
I would expect to see different days for the D3.x over the T3.x and the same for T4.x over the D4.x
Some months I would qualify for one of he DT but not for both.