Change History
Not all Geocaches are clear if they are a Challenge or not. Therefore Project-GC has built a Challenge Exception-system. A part of the community has been granted access to this system, and they read through cache description to add votes if they believe these Geocaches are Challenges or not. In here, they can discuss extreme cases and see if they can come to an agreement.
Changed By: Deepdiggingmole
Change Date: July 27, 2022 12:36PM
Re: GC316Z3 - My Personal Top Ten - Challenge Cache
I too had upvoted initially as I had read this as caches had to be found in order for you to be able to list your top 10 favorite. However on reflection, I now agree that that is not a challenge as such, there is no 'goal' to achieve, no quantity if of caches to find of any specific type, etc etc
So for me I am now down voting
Good to see discussion like this
Original Message
Author: Deepdiggingmole
Date: September 11, 2020 06:55PM
Re: GC316Z3 - My Personal Top Ten - Challenge Cache
I too had upvoted initially as I had read this as caches had to be found in order for you to be able to list your top 10 favorite. However on reflection, I now agree that that is not a challenge as such, there is no 'goal' to achieve, no quantity if caches to find of any specific type, etc etc
So for me I am now down voting
Good to see discussion like this