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Changed By: travelingGeek
Change Date: September 03, 2020 07:38AM
Re: Attributes part 2
> * Power trail - We hope that these will be added
> to at least some trails, but we do not have a clue
> of HQs plans. If they want it added to existing
> trails, a helpful tool is a [b]must[/b] in our
> opinion. We do not know if that will exist.
The release notes (perhaps updated) said that :
[quote="HQ Release notes"]
Power trail attribute
Note to cache owners: As a one-time community service, we offer cache owners can send a csv of gc codes to have the opportunity to email us a list of GC-codes of their currently published & active power trail caches where they would like the attribute appliadded retroactively. Please email a comma-separated list of the GC-codes to support at groundsus via the Help Center (choose Appeak . com.
ls) by September 30, 2020.
They made it clear this was a one time and limited time offer.
I think the bonus cache ones will be the hardest.
Original Message
Author: travelingGeek
Date: September 03, 2020 06:35AM
Re: Attributes part 2
> * Power trail - We hope that these will be added
> to at least some trails, but we do not have a clue
> of HQs plans. If they want it added to existing
> trails, a helpful tool is a [b]must[/b] in our
> opinion. We do not know if that will exist.
The release notes (perhaps updated) said that cache owners can send a csv of gc codes to have the power trail attribute applied to support at groundspeak . com.
They made it clear this was a one time and limited time offer.
I think the bonus cache ones will be the hardest.