
Change History

Topics that don't fit elsewhere, but still are related to challenge checkers.

Message: I'm not quite sure I really appreciate it that challenge caches are coming back

Changed By: hampf
Change Date: May 06, 2016 11:31AM

I'm not quite sure I really appreciate it that challenge caches are coming back
Good thing: I am a registered checker script developer already. And I like to write challenge checkers as well because this can be very challenging, too. Let's hope challenge caches will become more reasonable because checker scripts are neccessary for them to be published (and lots of new API requests will follow, I reckon).
Mark this: I sure will not write scripts for challenges I do not qualify for :-)

@Ganja: smileys don't work here
Changed By: hampf
Change Date: May 06, 2016 11:30AM

I'm not quite sure I really appreciate it that challenge caches are coming back
Good thing: I am a registered checker script developer already. And I like to write challenge checkers as well because this can be very challenging, too. Let's hope challenge caches will become more reasonable because checker scripts are neccessary for them to be published (and lots of new API requests will follow, I reckon).
Mark this: I sure will not write scripts for challenges I do not qualify for>:D<

Original Message

Author: hampf
Date: May 06, 2016 11:29AM

I'm not quite sure I really appreciate it that challenge caches are coming back
Good thing: I am a registered checker script developer already. And I like to write challenge checkers as well because this can be very challenging, too. Let's hope challenge caches will become more reasonable because checker scripts are neccessary for them to be published (and lots of new API requests will follow, I reckon).
Mark this: I sure will not write scripts for challenges I do not qualify for>:D<