
[Cancelled] Requesting checker for GC86HKN

[Cancelled] Requesting checker for GC86HKN
April 19, 2019 10:27PM
Requesting a checker for GC86HKN, VT 100 Prolific Cache Owner Challenge

This challenge has two parts; A) find at least 25 Vermont finds of any kind, and
B) find at least 100 caches owned by any one cache owner. Can be active or archived caches, from anywhere.

This is to celebrate the prolific cache owner, not the finder. I would like the name of the cache owner and the number of finds to be in the read out. If there is a way to show how many caches the prolific cache owner owns in total, active and archived, that would be great too. Thank you.
Re: Requesting checker for GC86HKN
April 20, 2019 01:59AM
While each of those two parts is easy and multiple scripts exist, I cant find a script that can do BOTH at the same time. I may be wrong of course.

If that is correct a new script would need to be made or an existing one modified.... this is not as simple as just adding a new tag (configuration) to an existing script.
Re: Requesting checker for GC86HKN
April 20, 2019 05:24AM
Reviewer here. "find at least 100 caches owned by any one cache owner" is not an allowable challenge cache criterion.
Re: Requesting checker for GC86HKN
April 20, 2019 05:44AM
I do appreciate the feedback, I rarely get to talk to reviewers and I am still getting a handle on where the line is between allowed and not allowed.

I understood section "10. Source of Criteria" to mean that specific: cache owner, GC codes, publishing reviewer etc, could not be used, but as long as they weren't specified then it would be OK.

For example: GC Code.... obviously 'any' GC Code would not be excluded.... If a challenge said "find any 10 GC codes" then that challenge would not be excluded.

So, when I read the challenge criteria "find any hide from any owner with at least 100 hides", this seemed the same to me.

To be specific, these are obviously not allowed:
- find 10 hides hidden by cache owner XXX
- find 10 hides published by reviewer YYY

Are these allowed?
- find 10 hides hidden by 10 different cache owners?
- find 10 hides published 10 different reviewers?

Have I misunderstood the rules? Or is this not allowed because of a different rule than section 10
Re: Requesting checker for GC86HKN
April 20, 2019 06:46AM
GreyHams Wrote:

> Are these allowed?
> - find 10 hides hidden by 10 different cache
> owners?
> - find 10 hides published 10 different reviewers?

No, these are not allowed.
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