
[New script required] Re: Checker wanted for GC36K4Q - Lonely Old Cache Challenge

[New script required] Re: Checker wanted for GC36K4Q - Lonely Old Cache Challenge
December 23, 2022 04:47PM
I have a preexisting challenge, hidden in 2012,

Lonely Old Cache Challenge

GC36K4Q ▼

The posted rules are as follows

Rules 1. You must find 12 different caches. Each cache must have been placed for at least 5 years when you found it. Example, if a cache was hidden on July 1, 2006, your find must be on July 2, 2011, or later.
2. When you find each cache the cache must have no more than 50 logged finds. If you find it with a group and you are numbers 49, 50 and 51, you may each use the find for the challenge.
3. Once the cache has at least 50 finds, it may no longer be used to qualify for this challenge unless you found it before the 50th logged find.
4. Prior finds count.

Let me know if you need any other information

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/23/2022 04:49PM by Essap. (view changes)
Re: Checker wanted
December 23, 2022 04:58PM
This criteria is, as fer as I know, not allowed. You can not disqualify a cache when it is found more than 50 times. Because of this your criteria becomes competition rather than achievement

Please read

Not acceptable
Competition rather than achievement. Examples: challenges based on "First to Finds" or lonely caches are competitions.
Re: Checker wanted for GC36K4Q - Lonely Old Cache Challenge
December 23, 2022 05:19PM
This challenge was grandfathered in. Was published 10 years ago. Not a new challenge
Re: Checker wanted for GC36K4Q - Lonely Old Cache Challenge
December 23, 2022 05:51PM
OK I forgot to look at the GCcode
Rules 1 Can be done but 2 and 3 will be difficult

Maybe bmuzzin knows a way to get aroud this
Re: Checker wanted for GC36K4Q - Lonely Old Cache Challenge
December 25, 2022 06:15AM
Not sure we have access to other finders on a particular cache with the API. I'm out for a few weeks, I'll take a look when I return, although my initial thought is that it's not possible.
Re: Checker wanted for GC36K4Q - Lonely Old Cache Challenge
December 27, 2022 03:27PM
No, I’m pretty sure we only have access to the total number of finds, not finds before a specific date as this would require. I don’t think this is possible at the moment.
Re: Checker wanted for GC36K4Q - Lonely Old Cache Challenge
January 06, 2023 03:37AM
So yes, I've checked it out, and we don't have the data to make an accurate checker for this one.

The best we could do is definitively pass someone, if caches they have found have *currently* have 50 finds or less (and obviously past the 5 years since published threshold). But, since there's no way to figure out which finder number you were, if a cache has more than 50 finds, we don't know whether it satisfied the challenge or not. I think making a checker that does that would be confusing, since the checker gives either a pass/fail, it might be giving a fail to someone who actually passes.
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