
If its obviously a challenge cache why add it to the exception list

If its obviously a challenge cache why add it to the exception list
June 20, 2021 12:13PM
A whole bunch of caches have been added to the exception list
About 2 dozen of these ARE challenge caches
But they would not be in dispute
They are challenges, they have checkers, they have the word challenge in the title
Several of them were published in the last year
So why would we need to vote on them ?

Surely we should not be adding challenge caches that are not borderline ??
Re: If its obviously a challenge cache why add it to the exception list
June 20, 2021 12:59PM
I agree that this should not be done because it also disruped the removal of the challenge cache attribute for caches which are not challenges but have the attribute at the moment

Looking at the list it is one of the following names who is causing this
Pleu 942
medvedzl 942
I will investigate this if possible with magma1447 (depending of his holiday)
Re: If its obviously a challenge cache why add it to the exception list
June 20, 2021 03:51PM
Just a point of note - does the word challenge have to be in English ?
Neues Attribut - Herausforderung - has this in German
Multikuntahaaste - Kulta - has it in Finnish
but I thought it had to be in English


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/20/2021 03:52PM by Deepdiggingmole. (view changes)
Re: If its obviously a challenge cache why add it to the exception list
June 20, 2021 03:58PM
@Deepdiggingmole Yes, per the guidelines the challenge need to have the English word Challenge.

Not challange, not défi, not haaste, not Herausforderung. Challenge.
Re: If its obviously a challenge cache why add it to the exception list
June 20, 2021 03:55PM
They have been automatically added by an algoritm because they at the moment of the addition either lacked the word challenge or the challenge attribute, if they have both the word challenge and the attribute now then this have been corrected since they where added.
Re: If its obviously a challenge cache why add it to the exception list
June 20, 2021 04:04PM
I do what I can to help get things rectified - about 4 of the ones on the list have changed the cache name and added 'challenge' :-)

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