Since I have 4 Challenges (3 with PGC-Checker), at various times I check if a geocacher has qualified for one of my Challenges.
Today I noticed something strange with the checker on my 'Challenge: All D/T ratings in one day', :
Someone claims he/she qualified for the Challenge on May 15. 2015 by using the PGC-checker and put the output in his/her (DNF) log. This Challenge requires all 18 D/T-ratings in one day with at least three different cache-types. In this case the checker is showing only two different cache-types but giving 'green light' to him/her. That's an issue I will ask one of your script writers later. I already contacted him on this issue before. Maybe it's related to my main question (see below).
When I retrieved this person's founds between May 9. and May 17. 2015 (via Macro GSAK), I noticed he/she did not found those caches on May 15. I than looked at his/her profile on for his/her founds on this date and noticed there were only 7 founds on May 15.
Why is the PGC-Checker showing other results? I can think of one thing: The PGC-checker results are stored for re-use of that checker for the same person again.
In my opinion, for this case: the found results (found-date) have been changed to May 14. after getting 'Green Light' from the PGC-checker and the PGC-checker is keeping May 15. as the day he/she qualified for this Challenge. When I look at his/her founds on May 14. I can see he/she qualifies for this Challenge. Why did he/she changed the date? Maybe it was logged by mistaken on May 15 and was corrected afterwards?
If so, would it be a good idea to get up-to-date results from when using the PGC-checkers at any time in order to get the right results?
As I am not exactly familiar how PGC-checkers are working, I can be wrong with my assumption. Maybe someone can explain then why the results of the PGC-checker don't compare with the found results on