Sometimes when the profile stats update there is a discrepancy between the "finds" section and the "maps" section. E.g. the "finds" section says "... has 5994 finds ..." but the "maps" section, also citing the same number in the header line clearly already includes some more geocaches – which apparently I have logged recently and which in the update have only been taken into account for the "maps" section and not for the "finds" section. Normally, this solves itself at the next stats update (if I don’t log any caches in between, otherwise the same problem might turn up or no, it’s difficult to predict).
So far I assumed that it’s always the latest logs that might still have made it into the "maps" section but not into the "finds" section, but since the last update in addition to the discrepancy I have a broken streak (... consecutive days ...), which should not be the case. Although I have about two months backlog with logging, I log all caches in chronological order, so the statistics must have left out some logs in between.
It would be interesting to understand why this happens and specifically to be able to determine in an easy way which logged caches have not (yet) been taken into consideration. Is there any possibility to find out which caches profile stats has taken into account (ideally for both the "maps" and the "finds" section)?