I have a question since many months! I have, on my Project-GC page, the number of cache that I found. “Bigou13 has 3458 finds on 3457 unique geocaches”. It means that I found a non-unique cache! What is a “non-unique” cache?
The first time I discovered this difference, I had found just one Virtual (now archived, the Virtual Europaeische Paesse - GCB652). I thought that it was this cache who was not a unique cache (but I have now 32 virtuals) and always this difference of one cache!
After that, I thought that it was the only Webcam Cache (Bonjour de Paris - GCHJA0 - now archived too), but I have now 6 WebCache, and always this difference.
Is the “HQ cache” is a non-unique cache (found in August 2017)?
If don’t think, because I have this difference since many time!
Does anybody have an idea?
Thank you! :)