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0 votes
Our Project-GC profile stats have not been updated since 25th August.  We noticed the notice about the backlog at the start of the week. Is that still a problem?


Peter & Gillian
in Support and help by PG501 (270 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

Paying members get daily updates to their profile stats. Free members get weekly updates to their profile stats. I can't see if you are a paying member or not so I can't tell whether or not that is the problem here.

by Funky_Boris (9.8k points)
Thanks for the reply We are paying members.
By "paying members" you do mean paying members of Project GC don't you? It's different to being a premium member of Groundspeak. If you are, have you checked your subscription hasn't lapsed?

(Sorry if this seems obvious, but it's the only thing I can think of).
0 votes
I see your stats were updated today:

It looks like it was just a temporary glitch.
by Jakuje (Moderator) (117k points)
–1 vote
I think you must be premium, or visit PGC every day.
by Ficule (820 points)
It doesn't matter how often you visit PGC. If you are a paying member of PGC (which is not the same as Premium Membership of Groundspeak) your stats are updated daily, otherwise it is weekly.