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+3 votes
I see that the souvenir tab is now grouped by type, rather than chronologically. Great idea! When was this implemented?
in Miscellaneous by Optimist on the run (Expert) (20.3k points)
Great idea.

Like the change
I noticed today.  I appreciate the organization.  Much easier to reference and easy on the eyes.
I like it, that the souvenirs are now sorted by type.
It has definitely created a new nicer overview, I think.


6 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
It must have been done very recently as We don’t recall seeing it a few days ago when we looked at our souvenir list.

Having said that, and if admin wanted any feedback or comments, we really liked having the chronological list as it offered an alternative to the alphabetical list as seen on

Would it be possible to have a sort facility which allowed one to see the souvenirs in different orders?
by GCZ Team (22.0k points)
selected by Optimist on the run (Expert)
I like the new grouping! I also agree that it would be nice to have different sorting options.
Can only agree as well, a sorting option would be great.
I agree on a filter / sort option.  There are times when chronological searching is easier.
+2 votes
This is a good change. It looks much better than the souvenirs on the official website They should also divide it and put it in four columns instead of three.
by hynous (3.1k points)
+2 votes
I like the change as well, it makes a lot more sense to group them like that.  Another example how this site doe the stats better than the "official" website.
by ormustr (4.0k points)
0 votes

it must be recent I think too ...
the chronological order pleased me better, but it is according to what one seeks ... maybe it would be nice to be able to set it according to his taste?

traduit du francais par google translate

cela doit étre récent je pense aussi ...
l'ordre chronologique me plaisiait mieux, mais c'est celon ce que l'on cherche ... peut-étre ce serait bien de pouvoir le paramétrer celon son gout ?

by Chup'a (11.2k points)
0 votes
You may have seen that in the news of the site, but since few month the news are to be found on the related Facebook page. there you see the 'request for idea' send by project-gc and numerous answers by users. The implementation just follow few days after this proposal
by Pepegeo (11.1k points)
0 votes
Ah, I noticed it now because of your contribution.

Great idea. The souvenirs are getting bigger, there are a lot of them, and one has not been orientated.
by nimir (2.1k points)