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+12 votes
in Miscellaneous by mimh_de_benetnash (2.0k points)
Pass 1000 found
(1.) Fill our find date calendar 366 days. I already have leap day.

(2.) Visit more countries outside the US. We have only cached in the us. But, I have plans to visit another country.
(3.) Try to complete our D/T grid
(4.) Cache in more states. TRY TO GET 21 states.
(5.) Go to Geocaching HQ
Completed Texas County Challenge.
Complete 266 Challenge

38 Answers

+11 votes
Much of 2020 will be taken up by arranging a megaevent. On the other hand, it's the second time I'm involved in doing this, so it should be a lot easier than the first time. ;)

As for my personal geocaching, I'll continue working on filling my calendar with all multicaches. I won't be able to finish it in 2020 since there are way too few unlogged multis around here but maybe I can get it down so that it'll be possible to finish this project during 2021.
by pinkunicorn (Moderator) (197k points)
I also participate in the organization of a Mega in 2020 ;)
+7 votes
Our goals and ambitions for 2020 are:

(1) Attend 3 Mega events (including our first one outside the UK, and the GPS Maze) and at least 40 other events. If we get allocated a Community Celebration event, we will organise a special 2020 event!

(2) Fill our find date calendar with at least 2 caches per day (we did a 366 day streak 2015/2016 so there is at least one in each at the moment).

(3) Visit more countries outside the UK. We have 10 country souvenirs so far, so would like to increase these.

(4) Try to complete our D/T grid the second time round - we need 6 now for a second complete grid.

(5j Find Europe’s First cache GC43.

Our goals for 2019 were:

(1) Create an earthcache - it’s the only type we hadn’t hidden yet. We achieved this and created GC83D7Z History of Burwell - Geology #1: Clunch.

(2) Hide a large size cache - the only size we haven’t hidden yet. Still to do!

(3) Fill in more of the months left on our Jasmer grid - we had 26 still to go at the beginning of 2019. We managed to fill 9 spaces, so only 17 to go now.

(4) Attend at least 40 events; we managed 46 in 2018. We have been to 48 events this year, so goal achieved!
by GCZ Team (22.0k points)
edited by GCZ Team
You are welcome in France ;)
Merci! We do spend two very enjoyable weeks in France every year, and will be coming again in 2020, this time with an extra week in July for GeoNord!
+5 votes
I will start the celebration year by attending MEGA "Project Geocaching meets Beethoven" in Germany (Bonn) on leap day

At Geocaching's Birthday 2. May 2020 I'll attend the "European Celebration GIGA" (my own Definition) in Prague "20 Years of Geocaching Prague 2020"

Hopefully there will be some other well timed Community Celebration Events during 2020 :-)
by Onkel Benny (3.6k points)
I participate also at the Giga of Prague, it will be my first ;)
Don't miss the GPS Maze (Exhibition) in the celebration year!

> Prague parallel to the Giga in May:
> Northern France in July:

I haven't visited a GPS Maze yet, but I'm really looking forward to it !

Project-GC-Filter for GPS Maze in 2020:[]=GPS+Adventures+Exhibit&submit=Filter

Addition: I have no statistical goals yet. Possibly a nice route to/from the events.

To me one great cache in a day is worth more than many "normal" caches and the stress of running on to the next :-p
+5 votes
My goals for 2020:

- start a streak and see how far I get

- I hope to find my 10.000th cache (at 8.060 now, so that should be possible)

- attend the 20 years Celebration Event in Seattle

- find as much EarthCaches and attend as many CITO's as possible

- hide a few more cache(type)s

- I hope to be able to host a Community Celebration Event, and definately attend as many of these as possible

- last but not least: having fun :D
by CaracalShan (2.2k points)
+5 votes
My earlier goals for this year were to find at least a cache a month....which I most definitely have done....and finally hide some geocaches, which I also have done, hiding over thirty so far this year.

Next year, I want to continue hiding more caches, and less traditional types....and really make wackier caches when I can.

Also, I want to fill out my calendar for days I found a cache to a greater extent....I know I won't finish it next year.....also fill out my D/T boxes more and months graph more.

PS: If I get the chance to host one of the special man I'll be soooo giddy with excitement.....I have a feeling I won't get it however, I feel like my luck will be terrible.
by DreamMachine74 (340 points)
+5 votes
My 2020 goals include visiting the Ape cache, Groundspeak HQ and the 20-year celebration.

I also plan to up my donation to Project-GC.
by TerraViators (9.1k points)
+5 votes
keep going in geocaching and no die in the way
by Ariberna (1.6k points)
+4 votes
We wil cellebrate this 20th geocaching year by planning a trip to the GIGA event in Praag. (our very first time on a big event and we thought we would Celebrate not BIG but GIGA =D For the rest we enjoy geocaching and try to improve on how much caches we find and make it more then this year. We also will be working on completing some challenges.
by PetjeOp (480 points)
+4 votes
None!!!  None, I say!

In 2019 I made 4000 (at UK Mega) and (hopefully) will find 1000 in one year (56 to go!).  Oh, and I finished my fizzy.   Those goals have taken a toll.

2019, will be smooth and low pressure.  No need for new challenges or goals!

But then again, the 20th year celebration icon would be sweet for a milestone and opens up new icons in a day options...  Hummm... I would only have to average 3 finds per day to get there... I could do that, right?

NO!  That is crazy talk.  You don't have that much vacation.  Just take it easy...


Oh, who am I kidding!   5000th for the Geocaching 20th Anniversary Celebration!

(just don't tell my wife!)
by travelingGeek (1.2k points)
+4 votes
It would be nice, to log the locationless cache
by GreenMagenta (420 points)
+4 votes

I love these threads, gives you time to reflect on the goals from last year, and see how you did, and make new ones for the next year.

This was the goals for 2019:

1. Attend our first GIGA in Hamburg (GC77777)

-We attended! \o/

2. Reach 9000 finds.

-Currently at 9668.

3. Get out and check out a place I might place my first earthcache at.

-Location has been checked, and earthcache has been made, just struggling a bit with getting it approved, so hopefully in 2020. :P

4. Get a find in all mainland counties in Western Denmark.

-Currently 2 short, but got at least 10 new ones this year. I actually forgot I put this down as a goal. :D

5. Close a few (or all) of the remaining degrees in the Danish 360 degree challenge.

-Down to 27 degrees left.

6. Log 25+ (Preferably 30+) challenges in a day.

-This one has been postponed to next year to add more challenges to the trip. :)

7. Log some of the many mysteries we have solved over the years.

-It's hard to stay on top of all the mysteries in the area, but we try our best! almost at 25% logged mysteries. :D

8. Our wildcard goal is something we are not ready to share, as it is 50/50 if we will be able to pull it off. We do have a backup plan in case of failure though. :)

-It was to log the Giga as our find #9000, and after a marathon effort early in the year, where we found something like 1500-1600 caches in around 4 months, we succeeded!

Goals for 2020:

1. Attend the Giga in Prague.

2. Attend 1+ of the celebration events.

3. Log #10000, which must be a virtual.

4. We started on a streak December 1st, and we hope to keep that going at least until December 31st, 2020, and if can stomach to keep going, then until 444 days have passed. :D

5. We are currently trying to see if it will be possible to attend the celebration in Seattle in August, and if that happens then also log the Ape cache there.

6. Get my first earthcache released.

7. Get down to less than 10 degrees left on the 360 degree challenge!

That should do it for next year! :D

by MAS83 (2.0k points)
+3 votes
Most of all, continue to have fun outdoors (and in many cases together with others if they have time as well...)

Specific goals include

- to make up for my trip to Can/US that I had to cancel this year;

- on this trip, complete my Jasmer grid and also find the ape cache in WA;

- visit a few more countries to come to 40+;

- create a few more caches myself (there are ideas...);

- I also hope to get selected to host a Community Celebration Event, and will be looking for them.

Many nice finds to all of you and have fun!
by Domino_67 (6.8k points)
+3 votes

One thing I will try to stay at 100 Caches per month.

The other thing is fulfilling the multi matrix.

And most of it: still have fun going geocaching and meeting old and new caching-friends

by supertwinfan (19.6k points)
+3 votes
Plans aren't anything spectacular.  I will be attending the Midwest Geobash again this year, and will also look to attend the Metro Gathering.  

Based on my goals last year, where I fell short, what I still want to get, and my plans for the Megas that I plan on attending, here are my goals:

- Find my 1900th cache (need 329...a feat for me, but I have plans in place to grab a bunch in a week's time)

- Find 14 Multis to level that up (they aren't very numerous in my neck of the woods)

- Find 115 Unknowns (got 86 in Geoart solved, and a full day of caching prior to MWGB to try to get them)

- Find 16 Earthcaches to level that up

- Try to find another Webcam to level that up

- Finish 2004 and 2005 missing Jasmer grids (5 to go)

- Fill four missing D/T grids

- Complete Days Placed grid (15 to go)

Many of these will take a lot of work, but with specific caching trips in the works, I think I can accomplish these goals.  Worst I can do is try.  Happy caching everyone!
by PSUSteeler (280 points)
+3 votes

I have set my goals and ambitions for 2020 some time ago and already shared them with some geocachers at events. Here they are:

(1) Reach 2.000 total finds. Currently 1.096, and 904 left.
(2) Finish filling my D/T matrix. Currently 73 combinations, so only 8 left!
(3) Have a find in each and every county of Zachodniopomorskie, Poland. This is my home region. Currently 12 counties, so 9 left.
(4) Attend the Mega Event in Gdynia, Poland on June 27, 2020. If I will get there, this will be my first Mega Event!
(5) Work on filling my finds calendar. Currently 225 dates, and 141 left. I want to finish filling my finds calendar in 2021.
(6) And, of course, have fun with geocaching!

by 200e200w (990 points)
+2 votes
Hello everybody.

This year no goals, just go outside to enjoy our beautiful nature.

See you in the forest.

by The4Hasards (3.2k points)
+2 votes
I'd like to find my 8000th Cache in 2020 and also visit my first mega
by Meister_Cache (430 points)
+2 votes
I think, that everyone have the same goal, find the cache(s) and safely come back to home.
The difference is in "how many caches" you would like to find, and "how many time" you have for it :)

All the best wishes for all of you :)
by Firewal (980 points)
+2 votes
My plains are:

1000 founds

found 1 mega

Hide one letter

And... join
by Ariberna (1.6k points)
+2 votes
I am currently close to 5000 founds, so that will be accomplished soon.

I will also try to fill at least on of the two remaining gaps in my Jasmer matrix.

2020 is an exciting year for geocaching, lots of special event all around the world. I am currently planning to go to the Giga i Prague and also the HQ Geocaching 20th Anniversary Celebration event in Seattle followed by Going Ape the day after and Geowoodstock the following weekend in Canada. If time permits, a visit to HQ. Plannning is underway with some friends.

Between these events I plan to visit some more Mega events around Europe. Every year I try to log at least one new country, I will probably make several this year (Czechia, Canada and maybe Slovakia). I will also try to attend as many Community celebration events as I have time for.

I will probably reach diamond level for WebCam caches on BadgeGen this spring, that has been a goal for some time (currently three left to diamon status).

Finishing the 3rd loop on the D/T grid (two missing as of now).

Qualifying for one of my brothers Challenge caches (find 1000 mystery caches).

And, as always, the main goal is to find lots of great caches (and meet a lot of great cachers)!
by Chrysafenios (1.3k points)