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Over the past several weeks, I noticed that answers to questions are now being sorted with primary and secondary parameters.  Let me explain how I have come to understand it.

Initially, when multiple answers are posted with no up votes or down votes, they are sorted by date and time. First to post stays at the top and subsequent answers are sorted oldest to newest in descending order. I believe this was the original method before the changes.

Once up votes or down votes start accumulating, the date and time become a secondary sort parameter and the voting becomes the primary sort parameter changing the order with most up votes bumped to the top and fewest at the bottom. If no up or down votes the date / time stamp remains in effect.

A best answer overrides up vote totals and is automatically bumped to the top no matter how many up votes.  What I have noticed is this ordering is dynamic as best answers, up votes and down votes change.

It would be helpful if the sorting methodology could be listed in the blue section to the right, for example:

Answers sorted by following priority: 1. best answer, 2. highest up votes, 3. oldest to newest.
closed with the note: Resolved by moderator.
in Feature requests by TigreToot (26.6k points)
closed by TigreToot
This is common sorting on Q&A sites (for example StackExchange), making it easier for the one who searches for answers to find good answers. I believe this helps to encourage voters to have some effect (not only to points of answer author). I was wondering all these years why it was not configured this way initially. I do not think it needs to be explicitly mentioned anywhere, but it might help the new people to understand it. I like the description in
Yes, it is a good description in that link.  Perhaps something similar can be added.  After all, it makes sense that a Q & A will attract more new users than old.

Add this language or something close:

Good answers are voted up and rise to the top. The best answers show up first so that they are always easy to find.