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+1 vote
Project-GC understates my finds by 1 geocache on the basis that I have 1 duplicate log.  My duplicate log was for GCHDVW, Split Decision, which was a multi that had two distinct geocaches.  You went to the initial coordinates and there were two sets of coordinates, one for an ammo box in the woods and one for a micro in the woods and the idea of the cache was that, at least initially, you didn't know which you were looking for.  Since there were two separate caches, the owner allowed people to log it twice.  Obviously you can't do that today.

I know that there are exception lists for other statistical categories (like furthest from home) to prevent odd old caches from skewing the statistical results.  Is it possible to have an exception list for this as well?
in Feature requests by Ga Mountaineer (270 points)
Seems like one GC code should only allow for one find (smiley).  It does not seem feasible how you can log and track two finds on this one cache.
That's the rule now, but it wasn't always the case.
Some folks near Ames IA have complained about this same issue due to a challenge cache you could log literally 100 times, one for each mural in the state from a booklet that accompanied the cache (GC51QHF).  There was also one in Bellevue NE you could "create your own challenge" to get multiple finds on that cache as well. I know this is obviously no longer allowed, but it would be nice if project-gc made an exception for these older, multi-find caches.

2 Answers

+1 vote
It's only in the header where the distinct caches are used as far as I can see. All the rest of the stats (total finds, milestones, etc.) use the number of "found it" or equivalent logs. And the header does show your total finds as well (just pointing out that one is duplicated).
by sumbloke (Expert) (35.1k points)
0 votes
Given that this is no longer possible to log one cache more times these days, I do not think it is worth implementing any exception list for these oddballs that are disappearing and there is no hope for new showing up.

The duplicate logs tool is for the cacher to identify these and it is up to the cacher to decide if he wants to keep the duplicate log (if it is intentional) or remove it.
by Jakuje (Moderator) (117k points)
Given that the logs were distinct caches (albeit one GC code) and given that removing the duplicate log would change my milestone caches and some of the destination caches I chose for them (these are 14 year old logs, mind you), I think I'll leave them be.  It just bugs me that Project-GC always shows my found total as one lower than it actually is.
That would annoy me too, but it is something that affects a very small segment of people. I would rather see the developers spend their time on issues that are more widespread.