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+2 votes
I have looked around the forum and in the wiki - I can't find the answer though I am sure this has been asked.
What are the count splits for when the colours change in the various grids Finds by found dates / Founds by hidden date etc
My screen isn't the best and difficult to distinguish between some of them

cheers IA
in Miscellaneous by Deepdiggingmole (14.0k points)
I'm going to stick to a comment on my response so I don't get crucified with down votes.

From my own personal observations, each time you add 1 to the count the color changes but it's almost indistinguishable.  So, if you don't have a screen with good resolution you may not notice the difference.  As you add more and more it changes from green to more yellow then orange then red.

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
I did some digging and while GreyHams is correct, that is also sort of wrong. Looking at the source code for different grids the same number in different grids have different background colors. The only consistent is that the highest number is always #C83200, anything between that and whatever the starting color is (Edit: It's #14c800) seem to not be tied to the exact number of the cell in any way but be a scale based on where the number of this cell is between 1 and "max".

I'm gonna add that information to the wiki, if for nothing else so because it will force magma1447 to correct me if I'm wrong. ;)
by Pleu (50.8k points)
selected by Deepdiggingmole
I think that by adding 1 to the count it changes the color but only so slightly it's virtually indistinguishable. This is true especially if you don't have advanced graphics cards or if you are color blind.  I can actually tell with most of the colors if they are next to each other.
@TigreToot I might have phrased that badly. Adding 1 to the count changes the color but the change will be a different amount based on what the highest number is of the grid. So sometimes it will be a pretty big change and sometimes it will be a very small change.

I took a number that I could find in both hidden date, logged date and D/T-grid and it had different backgroundcolors for each grid, the only constant is that 1 is the same shade of green (#14c800) and the highest number of the grid is red (#c83200). I also compared with other users and the colors for specific numbers didn't match, I also compared to old versions of the same users statistics via URL manipulation and the same number did not have the same background color when the max number of the grid was lower. :)

So mainly, what I meant to say is that the bright red that GreyHams mentions is not because of the 511, it is because that is their highest number. If you check a account that has 20 finds then that 20 will be the same bright red. :)
I agree with your analysis after checking my own profile stats.  Basically it will change dynamically as a new high is reached in a cell and gradations adjusted accordingly.  Everyone is different based on lowest to highest number in each grid.  

For example my current highest numbers are all red but different in each grid:

Difficulty / Terrain chart - 584
Finds by found date - 160
Finds by hidden date - 154
Finds by hidden month - 458

I find that fascinating and never really considered it like that until now.
Ah - so unlike the GC grids which do have numbered graduations (11 finds, 26 finds, 101 finds and 251 finds etc) the PGC grids are dynamic and not specific number generated.
All very interesting - thank you all for your input
@Deepdiggingmole - I looked at my recently completed Finds for Each Day of the Year grid along with my D/T grid in the statistics and confirmed what you said. Based on my own observations, I noticed change only occurs with the following gradations:

1 - 10,
11 - 25,
26 - 100,
101 - 250,
251 -

I don't have enough finds to confirm beyond the 251 range but I suspect it goes to 999.
+6 votes

For the 'Finds per found date' grid, the colours change at 11 finds, 26 finds, 101 finds and 251 finds.... 

The 'finds per hidden month' is clearly different, it seems to change the shade every 10 finds... 

Hmmm, this seems wrong....we have a challenge here about "3 shades of green", and these are the numbers it states, but looking closer I am not so sure

edit: indeed, the colour changes every extra find.  Here is the HTML source of my September finds:

Colour is in ORANGE, Finds in YELLOW.  Increasing a find count changes the RGB (red, green, blue) values.... red increased by 2 each time. (first 2 digits), at 'some' point it will be other colours that start changing, I have a single day with 511 finds and it is bright red.

<td class="align-center" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #42c800;">5</td>
<td class="align-center" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #62c800;">15</td>
<td class="align-center" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #66c800;">17</td>
<td class="align-center" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #68c800;">18</td>
<td class="align-center" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #83c800;">39</td>
<td class="align-center" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #56c800;">10</td>
<td class="align-center" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #59c800;">11</td>
<td class="align-center" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #60c800;">14</td>
<td class="align-center" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #56c800;">10</td>
<td class="align-center" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #42c800;">5</td>
<td class="align-center" style="color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #64c800;">16</td>


by GreyHams (1.7k points)
As I suspected these are very small differences in colour that most people will not be able to distinguish even on a good screen. There is only a relatively small amount of coulors one can recognise (woman typically a few more than men) but these will look like a continuous band to almost everybody I guess.
Yes - your initial comment (now crossed out) - does refer to the count change on the GC site - and I suspect you eventually guessed I was referring to PGC not GC (I was)
Interesting find regaridng the source code that does indeed suggest a slight change for every find - thank you