Feature request:
Filters for the tools Map Regions and Map Counties that allow the user to filter for found counties/regions with different sizes and cache types. The current filter named "Cache type / size" only affects what caches are shown on the map, the request would be for a filter that affects what region/counties are colored red or green in the tool.
This would be similar to the "D/T type / size" filter for the Map D/T Matrix-tool that helps you fill the D/T-matrix with a certain size or a certain cache type but it would help you collect counties/regions with a certain cache type or size. Trying to log Multis in as many different counties as possible in a country for example.
There are a couple of "not-a-checker"-checkers to keep track of this and I know multiple people that keep private offline statistics for these kinds of things so I'm surprised I couldn't find a feature request to bump, might have been bad searching on my part. :)
Edited 2022-02-07 to clarify the request a bit.