Yes, I had accepted it's not possible here on your earlier reply, and wasn't pushing the idea further, only commenting to other comments.
As for the difference. For interest, the different sources are counting them differently.
The geocaching filters on the map has for Australia & NZ "Showing 128 of 128 total results" for Mary MacKillop. Plus there are 2 in the British Isles, so total 130.
It's true there could be spelling mistakes, so I brought up all the Mary MacKillop caches on the CO's site and checked this by spell checker. No spelling mistakes. However, it shows 157 caches, so that doesn't match with the map.
The map says I have found 86. I did a quick count and got 94. I suspect the map is not counting archived ones.
The checker has, "You have found 100 out of 100 required caches with the specified words in the name."
Different numbers. Confusing.
I am not arguing, only showing the differences.
Reasonable suggestion, but I think those people running the SideTracked and Church Micro series would not be interested in this, and they would be busy enough as it is. Also, this series is mostly in Australia, while those other series are British. I will manually change the number on my Profile page.