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0 votes
I’m interested in a Project GC filter that shows me for my profile which geocache types I did find on a particular day. I’m now using an excel sheet with the days per month per row and the geocaching types in columns. Whenever I find a particular geocache type, I set an X in the matching row/column. Anyone with a hint for me how to create such overview with Project GC?
in Support and help by GE141 (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

While searching Project GC I have found a challenge which serves my question pretty much in the right direction:, a good start.

by GE141 (170 points)
Yes, this helps indeed. But still some types are missing, like CCE's, CITO's, Mega's, Block Parties, etc. In the region where I live, a lot of CITO's are organised, so these are relevant for me and many other geocachers around here as well. Would be nice to have a checker where you can select any type and/or size, that will show both the calendar and the d/t grid for that type and/or size.