Jakuje aleady answered your quetion but there is a problem which I forgot to mention before.
In the described process you can only load the live caches.
There is another way to get the coordinates but you have to convert the "my finds" file 3 times in two different programmes. The programmes are open souce. (GPSBabel and OpenOffice)
1. Convert in GPSBabel the downloaded file from [GPX XML] into [Tab delimited fields usefull for OpenOffice etc]
2. Open this converted file in OpenOffice Writer (looks horrible but don't worry)
3. Copy this complete file and open a new page in OpenOffice Calc
4. Paste the copy via Special Paste -Selection Text without make-up into OpenOffice Calc and make sure that the import is set to Tabulator.
5. You now have Tabular spreatsheet which you can delete the colums which are not required
The end result looks like this
Index | Lat | | Lon | | Name | Description |
0 | 55.240583 | N | 9.982833 | E | GC49QVC | Enghave Mejeri |
1 | 51.712467 | N | 4.640417 | E | GCH9XP | Moerdijkbrug |
To do this for 3000+ finds, when you have the two programmes installed , takes less than 5 minutes