The All Around Cacher
General data | |
Name | The All Around Cacher |
Max loops | 99 |
Requirements | |
Bronze | 90 |
Silver | 120 |
Gold | 180 |
Platinum | 270 |
Ruby | 300 |
Sapphire | 330 |
Emerald | 350 |
Diamond | 360 |
Addons available | |
Leapday, FTF |
The All Around Cacher
Finding geocaches in all 360 degrees around the users home location.
With math Project-GC are calculating the angle between the user's home location and their finds, and round that number down to the closest integer. This will create 360 sectors. The user's mission is to find a geocache in each one of these sectors, when they do, they get the Diamond.
The plotted coordinates of geocaches is what counts, not the final location when that differs. If a geocache's plotted coordinates are moved after the user logged it, their find will move as well.
It is possible to loop this badge by finding mulitple geocaches in every sector. The sector with the least number of finds in it will set the loop number.
- Leapday - Fill all 360 sectors with finds on Leap day to get this Addon.
- FTF - Log a FTF in every single sector to enable this Addon.
Related tools
See 360 from home
An interactive tool that shows what geocaches has been found in the sectors, and which are available in others has been made available at 360 home.
The tool is not in its final version but most of the planned features have already been implemented.
Tools from other providers might not be fully compatible, this is because it is very complex to calculate the angle between two points on the spherical Earth. There are many different formulas to use, some more exact than others. Also the number of decimals used might be relevant.
This Badge was added with the BadgeGen 4.0 release early 2020.