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Message: Re: Souvenir grouping

Changed By: pinkunicorn
Change Date: February 16, 2017 08:43PM

Re: Souvenir grouping
My 2c would be that they are souvenirs and should be default count as such. If a specific challenge wants to count them only as two (I suppose you mean "the IGCD one" and "one or more of all the other ones") ) that's for that challenge owner to decide. If that happens, someone (me, probably) needs to adapt the souvenir checker to handle that case as well. I don't think they should *always* count as just two.

Original Message

Author: pinkunicorn
Date: February 16, 2017 08:42PM

Re: Souvenir grouping
My 2c would be that they are souvenirs and should be default count as such. If a specific challenge wants to count them only as two (I suppose you mean "the IGCD one" and "one or more of all the other ones") that's for that challenge owner to decide. If that happens, someone (me, probably) needs to adapt the souvenir checker to handle that case as well. I don't think they should *always* count as just two.