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Message: Re: Big boring changes incoming (PHP7)

Changed By: arisoft
Change Date: March 08, 2018 09:01PM

Re: Big boring changes incoming (PHP7)
[quote]https://project-gc.com/Challenges//984 scriptId: 2486, creator: arisoft
https://project-gc.com/Challenges//9533 scriptId: 826, creator: vogelbird
local cache = list[word.codes[word.select]]
word.select becomes 1 and word.codes[word.select] becomes GC1T3TV. However, that gccode does not exist in the variable list.[/quote]

I checked this and there may be someting wrong with PGC_GetFinds

I added debug output to show what caches are requested and what caches are received.

When I tried this with my own id the then missing item was cache GCVXQE. Live server returns 115 caches as requested but Dev server returns 114 caches for some reason. The debug output contains "Requested codes:" and "Received codes:" which should be the same but they are not. From the debug output I can not find any rational reason why PGC_GetFinds leaves one cache out. Does it return array with [0] index?

Original Message

Author: arisoft
Date: March 08, 2018 08:59PM

Re: Big boring changes incoming (PHP7)
[quote]https://project-gc.com/Challenges//984 scriptId: 2486, creator: arisoft
https://project-gc.com/Challenges//9533 scriptId: 826, creator: vogelbird
local cache = list[word.codes[word.select]]
word.select becomes 1 and word.codes[word.select] becomes GC1T3TV. However, that gccode does not exist in the variable list.[/quote]

I checked this and there may be someting wrong with PGC_GetFinds

I added debug output to show what caches are requested and what caches are received.

When I tried this with my own id the then missing item was cache GCVXQE. Live server returns 115 caches as requested but Dev server returns 114 caches for some reason. The debug output contains "Requested codes:" and "Received codes:" which should be the same but they are not. From the debug output I can not find any rational reason why PGC_GetFinds leaves one cache out. Does it return array with [0] index?