
Re: GC2P995 - Alien Invasion Adventure Challenge

GC2P995 - Alien Invasion Adventure Challenge
July 11, 2021 07:12PM
This proved an interesting one
On first inspection it does look like a glorified multi and no criteria - certainly there is no criteria given on the cache page, though reference to them made. However I did find deep in one of the links given requirements to fulfil, namely finding 10 caches linked to alien activity (description is much wordier than that)
For me this did mean that all the elements needed to make this a challenge cache are there.
So I upvoted - though I see others didn't - but I can understand why - you do need to search hard for the criteria - maybe the CO should rectify that.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2021 04:34PM by Deepdiggingmole. (view changes)
Re: GC2P995 - Alien Invasion Adventure Challenge
July 11, 2021 09:49PM
I upvoted too
Re: GC2P995 - Alien Invasion Adventure Challenge
August 06, 2021 11:41PM
I have had a discussion with the CO and he has now added to the cache page the challenge criteria that were originally found on a linked .pdf

This means there is no issue with this cache being a challenge cache - currently it stands as having a mixed vote and I feel that this should be re-considered by those that have downvoted

Re: GC2P995 - Alien Invasion Adventure Challenge
January 25, 2023 06:07PM
Every so often I have a look at my list of exceptions that go against the vote (one of the tabs on the RHS)
I note that this cache is still showing in the negative though the difference of opinion is very much divided.
Though everyone does have their opinion - it was seen there was an issue with what and where the challenge criteria was with this one. Initially it was hidden in a .pdf
However the Cache Owner has since added this to the cache page
Thus :-


Based on this mission's AS-10 rating, assigned agents must list 10 GC codes for qualifying geocaches in their log entry or in an e-mail to the bureau if/when they complete their mission. Qualifying caches include space, science-fiction or alien-themed geocaches that you have either found or published yourself (with their GC codes) **or** geocaches that you have found in two or more “alien hot spots” such as Area-51 / Groom Lake Area, Roswell, Washington, DC, Cape Canaveral in Florida, The Johnson Space Center in Texas, etc.

and so now I would suggest all the correct boxes are ticked for this to be included in the challenge list - but this would mean moderators reviewing their decision and changing their vote - otherwise this challenge cache sits in limbo

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