Austria polygons
July 24, 2017 11:04PM
Updated Austria's polygons to the latest OSM data after some complaints about polygons in Salzburg that shouldn't exist.

I notice that the OSM data isn't 100% ready yet. I manually excluded some polygons which had the wrong admin levels. They were level 6 inside level 6, the are supposed to be 8 I think.

I ran my diff-tool between old and new, some changes, no checkers affected that I can auto-detect.

Regions only in Austria:
Regions only in _tmp_Austria:
Counties only in Austria:
Linz (Stadt)
St. Pölten (Stadt)
Flughafen Salzburg
Sankt Pölten (Land)
Counties only in _tmp_Austria:
Bezirk Korneuburg
Bezirk St. Pölten
St. Pölten
Potentially affected scripts (source code matches a region/country that has been added/removed):
Potentially affected scripts (config matches a region/country that has been added/removed):
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