
United States

United States
February 27, 2023 09:12PM
Working on updating polygon data for United States. No intentional changes, just aiming to get the latest updates.

But I found a few counties which had names which haven't been intentional. I plan to correct those.
Coconino County (AZ) (Arizona) -> Coconino County (AZ)
Kane County (UT) (Utah) -> Kane County (UT)
Kankakee County (IL) (Illinois) -> Kankakee County (IL)
Ketchikan Gateway (AK) (Alaska) -> Ketchikan Gateway (AK)
Prince of Wales-Hyder (AK) (Alaska) -> Prince of Wales-Hyder (AK)
Washington County (UT) (Utah) -> Washington County (UT)
I don't know why and when those counties got their double suffixes, but it doesn't make any sense.

I am planning to start pushing the updates tomorrow.

Know potentially affected challenge checkers:
Potentially affected challenge checker scripts:
(source code matches a region/county that has been removed/added/moved)

Potentially affected challenge checker tags:
(config matches a region/county that has been removed/added/moved)
  tagId:31027  creator:vogelbird  gccode:GC7GKGH
  tagId:19934  creator:vogelbird  gccode:GC564GJ
  tagId:14006  creator:SeekerSupreme  gccode:GC4WR0M
  tagId:3164  creator:Rikitan  gccode:GCYPMN

Tell me if I need to update any of them or assist in other ways.
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