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Re: Multiple scripts?

Multiple scripts?
June 01, 2017 03:24PM
Hi all, new here, I just got script writing privileges and I've been combing through the scripts to understand how they work and how I would go about creating my own.

What I'm finding is they all seem to be pretty limited in scope: X # of something specific, and that's it. That's the whole idea of passing a config to a generic script.

But what do you do if you want something much more complicated. Like X of something specific, but also those must be in a specific region, and some must NOT be in the same region.

Is that a custom script? Or can you "stack" generic scripts? I've been digging through the documentation and I'm not finding it, can anybody point me to something that would help? Or do I just have to write my own custom script?
Re: Multiple scripts?
June 02, 2017 12:10AM
There are three different approaches.

1. Most of the scripts (or at least, the most commonly used ones) allow for many bits of configuration. It can be difficult to find one that matches all of the criteria you want, though.

2. There are a number of quite generic scripts. The main ones which come to mind are "Easy Tagging Generic Checker" by mole125, "Multiple test Checker" by Target. and "Multiple test Checker (by Target.) enhanced" by myself. These scripts are good for combining multiple checks which would not be so easy with a simpler script.

3. Sometimes the challenge is so specific that a new script needs to be written.
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