Signed challenges tool

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Signed challenges is a tool that lists all challenges the user has posted a note to but has not logged as found. Per the guidelines[1] a challenge cache can be signed before fulfilling the requirements and the user can post a note to show they have signed the challenge cache. All noted challenges which aren't logged or owned are listed. For exclusion they can be tagged in the logs with [NOT-SIGNED].

The list shows the date the user first posted a note to the challenge, the country, GCcode, D/T-rating, the challenge difficulty and cache name. At the far right a green checkmark is shown if the cache has a challenge checker and the user has fulfilled the requirements. If they have not fulfilled the requirements a red 'stop sign' is shown. If the challenge does not have a checker or the checker can not run as part of the auto-challenge-checkers the symbol is a blue circle with a question mark.


  1. Jump up The Challenge guidelines in's Help Center