Every geocache has a rating of difficulty and terrain, this is commonly shorted to D/T or 'D/T-rating'. The difficulty and terrain is rated on a scale between 1 and 5 with the possibility of halves, for example the most common D/T-rating of all caches is 1.5/1.5. More information can be found in Geocaching.com's Help Center.
D/T in statistics
The different D/T-ratings can be sorted in a 9x9 grid, commonly referred to as a D/T grid or 'Fizzy grid'. These can be found in many places across Project-GC, for more information see D/T grid.
Top #DT in one day is a top list for unique DT combinations in one day.
The general overview statistics shows Caches per DT' for an entire country.
Favorite points per D/T shows an average of the favorite percent value per D/T combination and the average of the Wilson score per D/T combination for a country or region.
Related tools
The D/T History tool can help users with a paid membership find some caches that have had their D/T-rating changed.