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Change History

Moderators will move threads from "Checker requests" into this forum after a while when it has been decided that the challenge checker isn't possible for one or another reason. The threads should not be moved right away. The challenge owner should have a chance to adjust his requirements if that helps.

Message: Re: Modified version of a checker for GC80YN1

Changed By: arisoft
Change Date: March 27, 2019 09:06PM

Re: Modified version of a checker for GC80YN1
Can you give a mathematical equation for required numbers.

LsLet's use letter A,B and C for number of attributes

Current requirements for the challenge are these equations:
A+B+C >= 400
A >= 3
B >= 3
C >= 3

What additional equations you would have to the challenge? For example:
A <= A < (A+B+C)*0.6
B <= < (A+B+C)*0.6
C <= < (A+B+C)*0.6

Original Message

Author: arisoft
Date: March 27, 2019 09:05PM

Re: Modified version of a checker for GC80YN1
Can you give a mathematical equation for required numbers.

Lst's use letter A,B and C for number of attributes

Current requirements for the challenge are these equations:
A+B+C >= 400
A >= 3
B >= 3
C >= 3

What additional equations you would have to the challenge? For example:
A <= (A+B+C)*0.6
B <= (A+B+C)*0.6
C <= (A+B+C)*0.6