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Moderators will move threads from "Checker requests" into this forum after a while when it has been decided that the challenge checker isn't possible for one or another reason. The threads should not be moved right away. The challenge owner should have a chance to adjust his requirements if that helps.

Message: Less than 80% Tradi ( GC64HMB )

Changed By: icaunais
Change Date: May 28, 2016 07:18PM

Less than 80% Tradi (( GC64HMB) )

I am thinking about a challenge where the percentage of found cache of type Traditional should be lower than 80% ( < 80% ), in other words, one should find at least 20% or more ( >=20% ) of cache of all the other types (multi, mystery, earthcache, ...).

Is that doable?

Thanks in advance.

Original Message

Author: icaunais
Date: May 28, 2016 07:17PM

Less than 80% Tradi (GC64HMB)

I am thinking about a challenge where the percentage of found cache of type Traditional should be lower than 80% ( < 80% ), in other words, one should find at least 20% or more ( >=20% ) of cache of all the other types (multi, mystery, earthcache, ...).

Is that doable?

Thanks in advance.