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Change History

Moderators will move threads from "Checker requests" into this forum after a while when it has been decided that the challenge checker isn't possible for one or another reason. The threads should not be moved right away. The challenge owner should have a chance to adjust his requirements if that helps.

Message: Challenge checker request: 5 events/2 states

Changed By: dlinst84
Change Date: February 21, 2024 10:46PM

Challenge checker request: two events in two 5 eventin one days/2 states
GCAKXW8 I’m trying to publish a challenge that is attainable for some newer cashers. Someone has to do is attend to events in two different states or countries in one day. I don’t care if they are CTO’s or regular events or Megas just any two events in any two states

Original Message

Author: dlinst84
Date: February 21, 2024 09:21PM

Challenge checker request: two events in two 5 eventin one day
GCAKXW8 I’m trying to publish a challenge that is attainable for some newer cashers. Someone has to do is attend to events in two different states or countries in one day. I don’t care if they are CTO’s or regular events or Megas just any two events in any two states