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Message: Re: GC7V3TH Australian Jasmer "Ausmer" Challenge

Changed By: sumbloke
Change Date: July 25, 2018 06:27AM

Re: GC7V3TH Australian Jasmer "Ausmer" Challenge
I excluded May 2000 as well because there are no active caches in Australia from that month.

Edit: Oh, wait. I think my search was excluding caches I'd found. Oops. But your checker just allows any four months to be empty. If an old cacher has found GC52 (or if it's still there), they could be given a success message without having met the conditions.

Original Message

Author: sumbloke
Date: July 25, 2018 06:19AM

Re: GC7V3TH Australian Jasmer "Ausmer" Challenge
I excluded May 2000 as well because there are no active caches in Australia from that month.