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Change History

Once a checker request has been fulfilled and the challenge owner (or checker requester) is satisfied the thread should be moved here by a moderator. Please allow some time before moving the thread, to allow feedback from the requester.

Message: Request for GC9181H

Changed By: Kerewin0430
Change Date: November 22, 2020 04:19AM

Request for GC9181H
Hi, I would like to publish my own challenge cache based on GC81A1Q - all 8 major caches types found in each of the 12 months of the year, but my understanding is that I will need my own checker.

That is, in Jan, Feb, Mar...through Dec, you'll need to find:
1) Traditional Cache
2) Multi-Cache
3) Mystery Cache
4) EarthCache
5) Virtual Cache
6) Letterbox Hybrid
7) Wherigo Cache
8) Event Cache

I almost qualify, and will ensure that I do before I submit my cache for publication.
Cache page-in-progress: https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC9181H_well-rounded-year-challenge?guid=56bab641-e9c7-4307-9b5a-a808c3f1dfef

The checker for the inspiration cache is: https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC81A1Q/38850

Thank you!

Original Message

Author: Kerewin0430
Date: November 22, 2020 04:19AM

Request for GC9181H
Hi, I would like to publish my own challenge cache based on GC81A1Q - all 8 major caches types found in each of the 12 months of the year, but my understanding is that I will need my own checker.

That is, in Jan, Feb, Mar...through Dec, you'll need to find:
1) Traditional Cache
2) Multi-Cache
3) Mystery Cache
4) EarthCache
5) Virtual Cache
6) Letterbox Hybrid
7) Wherigo Cache
8) Event Cache

I almost qualify, and will ensure that I do before I submit my cache for publication.

The checker for the inspiration cache is: https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC81A1Q/38850

Thank you!