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Change History

Once a checker request has been fulfilled and the challenge owner (or checker requester) is satisfied the thread should be moved here by a moderator. Please allow some time before moving the thread, to allow feedback from the requester.

Message: Re: Need a Checker for GC9TBX8

Changed By: Lord_Charming
Change Date: June 09, 2022 08:17AM

Re: Need a Checker for GC9TBX8
Hallo, der Checker funktioniert zwar. Aber leider bekomme ich diese Challenge nicht durch, da ich keine 10 Leute finde, die diese Challenge erfüllen. Hätte gedacht, dass dies einfacher ist.

Kannst du diese Challenge dann doch bitte aufanpassen, das Bus man in Braunschweig mindesland Niederstens an 333 Tagen gecachsed haben erweitern ?
muss ?

Sorry für die Umstände
Lieben Gruß

Hello, the checker is working. But unfortunately I can't get through this challenge because I can't find 10 people to complete it. I would have thought that this would be easier.

Can you then please extend this challenge to the state of Lower Saxony ?

Sorry for the inconvenience
Can you please adjust this challenge, that you have to have cached at least 333 days in Braunschweig ?

Sorry for the circumstances
Kind regards

Original Message

Author: Lord_Charming
Date: June 09, 2022 07:47AM

Re: Need a Checker for GC9TBX8
Hallo, der Checker funktioniert zwar. Aber leider bekomme ich diese Challenge nicht durch, da ich keine 10 Leute finde, die diese Challenge erfüllen. Hätte gedacht, dass dies einfacher ist.

Kannst du diese Challenge dann doch bitte auf das Bundesland Niedersachsen erweitern ?

Sorry für die Umstände
Lieben Gruß

Hello, the checker is working. But unfortunately I can't get through this challenge because I can't find 10 people to complete it. I would have thought that this would be easier.

Can you then please extend this challenge to the state of Lower Saxony ?

Sorry for the inconvenience
Kind regards