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Re: Challenge-Placed 5 caches per each year an active member

[Cancelled] Challenge-Placed 5 caches per each year an active member
April 01, 2018 02:28AM
Request CHECKER for:

You must have placed at least 5 Geocaches per number of years you have been Geocaching and at least 51% of those must still be active.
Type of cache or when it was placed does not matter.
You must have at least one year as a active Geocacher.

Thank you!
Re: Challenge-Placed 5 caches per each year an active member
April 01, 2018 06:59AM
I am sorry but this is not possible. Requiring cachers to own a cache is not allowed in the guidelines. Challenge cache criteria must be based upon caches with the seeker’s logs: Found it!, Attended, Webcam Photo Taken.

More information: https://www.geocaching.com/help/index.php?pg=kb.chapter&id=127&pgid=206
Re: Challenge-Placed 5 caches per each year an active member
April 01, 2018 03:36PM
Thank you.
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