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[Cancelled] ABC-Challenge – erweitert GC7XX8G

[Cancelled] ABC-Challenge – erweitert GC7XX8G
September 18, 2018 09:14AM
We'd like to have checker for this challenge.

The conditions are
- for each letter of the alphabet from A to Z, including Ä, Ö and Ü and
- for each digit from 0 to 9 and
- at least 15 typesetting or special characters

at least each cache you have found whose name begins with this a letter or a digit or a special characters.

A special character apply:
The most common punctuation marks are:
The point (.)
Questionmark (?)
The exclamation mark (!)
The quotation mark ("and" or "and")
The comma (,)
The semicolon (;)
The colon (:)
The space ( )
The apostrophe (')

Rarer punctuation:
The dash or minus (-)
The Slash (/)
The Parentheses ((,), [,], {,})
The Ellipsis (...)

On a standard computer keyboard we also find the following characters:
The number sign, the double cross or the raised sign (#)
The equal sign (=)
The plus sign (+)
The star (*)
The at sign (@)
The degree sign (°)
The tilde (~)
The percent sign (%)
The mercantile And (&)
The base or underscore (_)
The euro sign (€)
The dollar sign ($)
The paragraph symbol (§)

The following applies:
- The status of the cache is not relevant (also counting the archived or deactivated caches)
- The cache type and the location do not matter
- preceded characters with the alphabet and the numbers may not be used (example: #1 or +A)
- a leading 0 in the numbers does not matter (Example 01 Bargteheide)
- Upper and lower case character is not relevant

It is therefore necessary to have found at least 54 geocaches whose initial characters are different.
Re: ABC-Challenge – erweitert GC7XX8G
September 18, 2018 10:44AM
I'm sorry but a challenge like this is currently against the guidelines

Please read https://www.geocaching.com/help/index.php?pg=kb.chapter&id=127&pgid=206

Not acceptable
These cache page elements: cache titles, cache owner, GC Codes, publishing Reviewer, or cache page text.
Re: ABC-Challenge – erweitert GC7XX8G
October 09, 2018 02:43PM
This thread has not received any further responce from the requester and will therefor be moved to ARCHIVE Checker requests (impossible). Should the requester have any queries he can raise his question on this thread in the archived section,
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