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Re: Checker Request GC83XB7 Visit a Confluence Point

[Cancelled] Checker Request GC83XB7 Visit a Confluence Point
February 25, 2019 08:09AM
Hi please create a checker , which checks , that you have visited a cache which is located at a Confluence Point.

I have done it on 11.7.2013 at Confluence Point N55 E15 - Geo Cache GC895B

Thanks in advance for your help
Re: Checker Request GC83XB7 Visit a Confluence Point
February 25, 2019 10:10AM
Here is the link https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC83XB7/40814

Please test and reply

I am however not sure if your reviewer will accept the challenge.
Please 10. Source of Criteria
Not acceptable
Challenges based on geographic areas other than countries, states/provinces, counties (or their local equivalent). For example, user-defined mapping polygons, latitude/longitude, radius, etc.
Re: Checker Request GC83XB7 Visit a Confluence Point
February 25, 2019 10:17AM
Hi vogelbird,

thanks a lot for the checker - I will try and see if I got the OK from my reviewer - hopefully.

But , when I run the chaeck I got the following error:

Error message: Caught exception
Error log: [string ""]:29: bad argument #1 to 'floor' (number expected, got boolean)

Could you have a look pls.

Re: Checker Request GC83XB7 Visit a Confluence Point
February 25, 2019 10:21AM
I don't see anything wrong with the checker

Your output is
[Rolli2](https://www.geocaching.com/profile/?u=Rolli2) has used [Project-GC](https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC83XB7/40814 "Project-GC Challenge Checker") to see if they qualified for this challenge and they did.

I have found 1 confluence caches and I needed only 1
GC895B Confluence Point N55 E15 Denmark
Re: Checker Request GC83XB7 Visit a Confluence Point
February 25, 2019 10:28AM
Hi vogelbird,
I still get the Error Caught exception .

But then it looks like it is something with my PC.

I will try later from a different system.

Re: Checker Request GC83XB7 Visit a Confluence Point
February 25, 2019 10:34AM
Remember that the Profile name is case sensative
Re: Checker Request GC83XB7 Visit a Confluence Point
March 03, 2019 11:43AM
Hi, I have to close this topic, as it was not accepted by the reviewer

thanks again for your help
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